Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What people are afraid to say...

To expand on what I touched on during my previous blog, the saga of 9-11 survivors and families of those who died. Don't get me wrong. I am not a cold-hearted b!tch but I am a realist and the reality is that it was nearly 8 years ago and it's time to move on. Every September they read all the names of the deceased and have a big celebration. That's fine but when is it time to stop? These families are still collecting off of what happened and I am not saying they don't deserve something for what happened but, again, when does it stop? The whole 9-11 incident is two people's faults, George W. Bush and Condeleeza Rice. They both were well informed about it prior to it happening. Take it out of their asses and not the tax payer's. In my personal opinion, it was war propaganda. George W. Bush was digging and digging to find a reason to go war with Suddam Hussein and he certainly had one handed to him didn't he? Not to mention that Hussein's execution was ILLEGAL and George W. Bush should have been charged with war crimes because of his execution. If my memory serves me right, according to the United Nations, it is illegal to hand a captive over to the his/her enemy. However, we can just add that to the list of things George W. Bush got away with during his reign of terror. Before you bash me and say I am sticking up for Hussein, NO I AM NOT. He was a bastard but Bush had a responsibility to comply with the law as much as anyone. Sorry, I got side-tracked. As I was saying, it is time to move on and stop the profiting from disaster. We, the tax payers, need to learn to say "NO!"

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