Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's me again...

Yes I am back. I had a free moment so I thought I would come harass the internet a bit. Nothing new with me other than a nasty sinus infection aka Sinusitis. I feel ok just a nasty taste in my mouth and alot of pressure in my sinuses. I'll live. I get these a couple times a year.

Ohhh let's see. The news is pretty lagging right now. Other than Nadya fighting with her mother on video and the new interview scheduled for tonight on Entertainment Tonight (I won't be home to see it because I have to work at my sister's house tonight). I don' care to watch her babble on but I would like to know what is said. I guess I will get the highlights and lowlights tomorrow sometime.

New Jon & Kate Plus 8 was on lastnight. Oh that's right I couldn't care less. New Duggar episode tonight from when they brought home the new baby in Decemember. Again, I could care less.

Moving on to some other entertainment news... I didn't watch the Oscars because I don't care but I saw on the news about that movie "Slumdog" winning all kinds of awards; however, I have never heard of the movie nor did I ever see it advertised. Anyway, umm Nicole Richie is pregnant again. I thought she was some sort of alien but after she got pregnant the first time, she seemed to chill some and seems normal. So maybe she isn't from Mars! It seems like celebrity pregnancies and babies are the big thing in Hollywood now. Weird isn't it? Something that has been done since the dawn of time, having a family, is now popular again. Hey maybe the 1950's are coming back? Wouldn't that be weird? No one cussing or sex on TV or movies. Wow what a concept!

Well I guess that is about it for now. I am gonna get a shower and get ready to go to my sister's house later. Have fun everyone.

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