Monday, February 23, 2009

Life and the weekend (both suck)...

I am so freakin' tired it isn't funny. I hope this stuff with my sister's house gets done quick. I might not make it through it if it takes much longer. I am so tired and worn out. I get a break today but Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons we have to work up there and Thursday we will work up there all day. The drywall is up in the living room. We are getting it ready for painting now. The whole house inside has to be painted. We are working on getting that old tile up out of the kitchen floor so we can get the new flooring down. The carpets are done upstairs and we will put the carpet down in the living room once the walls are done.

Enough construction talk...

Anything new with NMMOTB? I haven't had a chance to see what Nadya has been up too lately. I heard that the father of the babies now wants to come forward and help or some bullshi... like that. He should pay for them babies along with Nadya and the invitro doctor from hell. Last I checked, Nadya's website,, is fully functional and you can leave comments again. Just don't threaten to kill her or the babies people. The other Nadya-related website which is actually anti-Nadya,, seems to be slowing down to a grinding hault. There hasn't been any real updates in several days and the forum doesn't seem to be going so well. If you read through the comments, they are mostly nasty and I don't mean good nasty. To prove my point, I will give you an example. Several posts speak about the father aka the sperm donor and to clean up what people are saying, they are referencing her artificial lips, her boobs, and oral sex. Yuck, right?!?! Anyway, I don't recommend that forum. I just hope whoever is running that webpage starts updating again. I just hope that whoever is maintaining that site doesn't just wait for news or steals news off of other websites. This person should be investigating and finding out information and not waiting for other people to do it for him/her. This person is also using pictures from other news websites. Oh well!! None of my business!!!

Well I guess this it for now. I am gonna go get me a shower in hopes that it will wake me up!!! Take care everyone and I will be back soon!!!

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