Monday, February 9, 2009

A true redneck outting...

Where I live, rednecks are common. Hell I freely admit to being one myself! Say or think what you will but I am one and not afraid to say it!! One thing about me, I could care less what anyone thinks about me. Also, I figure if I am fair-game for your ridicule mill, then so are you for mine!!! I don't try to hurt anyone's feelings UNLESS you deserve it!!! Like Kate Gosselin for instance but you can read previous posts to see what that is all about!!

Anyway to make a long story even longer, yesterday I went with my sister to help pick out some flooring for her house. Our nephew also went with us and he is a major redneck too. Well after we left the flooring place, we noticed that the "Goodwill" store was open. I had never been in one and was curious as to what it was like inside. Well we went in! That whole store is like a flashback to the 70's and 80's! My sister bought a end table for next to nothing and it was actually in really good shape, a teddy bear which was identical to one she had when she was a kids about 25 years ago (she gave it to her two girls), a computer chair (which was almost new), and she bought two sweatshirts for my nephew to put on his goats when it is cold outside. Scarey purchases... The most fun part of the trip was me pushing the computer chair through the store with the teddy bear sitting in the chair (it is a big bear). It was a site to behold. After we paid for it, I was not embarassed to push that chair with the bear sitting in it through the parking lot. I thought my sister and nephew were gonna die watching me. They were laughing hysterically. When we got home, I pushed my nephew up the driveway in the computer chair. This is kind of a snooty area and it is so much fun to do something totally off-the-wall sometimes. That's why you don't put rednecks where people build nice, new homes!!!

And, yes class, that was my redneck weekend!!!

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