Saturday, February 14, 2009


I just found out a juicy tidbit of information about the Gosselin's new home!!!

The Gosselins bought or acquired (whatever) the house from a Dr. Dominic Commarano who is an ob/gyn at Reading Hospital. Here is the really interesting part. Before she was the b!tch err I mean mom of 8 kids, she received her nursing degree from Reading Hospital and worked at Reading Hospital in labor and delivery. Are you connecting the peices yet? She obviously knew this doctor from her nursing days and they decided to then buy his house. Now think back to the show where they show the kids the house for the first time. Remember Kate talking about filthy the refridgerator was and how nasty where the old freezer was and that the house was so dirty? I hope that this doctor comes back on her so hard. She knew this family that they bought the house from and yet still did not hesitate to run them down on TLC. What a crude b!tch.

I guess the doctor should have had more servants like Kate has. Maybe the house would have been cleaner.

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