Saturday, February 7, 2009

Let's call it what it is "Kate Plus 8!"

If you have been asleep, then you would not know the show on TLC "Jon & Kate Plus 8." To fill you in (I appologize to those who know who I am referring to), they are a couple who had twin girls and then four years later, had sextuplets and now they have a reality show on TLC. Ok, enough of that. To make a long story short, KATE IS A B!TCH!!! I mean Jon doesn't get a word in ever. She makes all the decisions and Jon sits back and takes and lets her run the show. I don't know why he is even in the show. Other than being the sperm donor, I am not sure what contribution he makes. Well he does work and she gets to stay home but she stills makes all the financial decisions. She makes me sick.

Also, what the hell is up with her hair??? Is that what she was going for when she got her hair done? Get a mirror lady...Edward Scissor-Hands could do a better job than that.

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