Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's the end of the world as we know and I feel fine...

I hate home construction. I'm tired. I'm sore. I'm frustrated. We get a couple of hours here and there because of my sister's work schedule and it seems like it is taking forever to get the work done. I feel like I have very little life right now. I KNOW I have very little sleep right now.

Anyway, I haven't been able to keep up with the news too much. Hopefully, if I am not too tired tonight after we get back from her house, I will have a chance to b!tch some more about goings on in the world.

I have managed to find an entire website ( that is soley dedicated to hating on her. I find that amusing in a sick sort of way. That site also has a forum but I haven't tried it and I am not sure how well it works. I just hope that whoever has the website realizes that Nadya could sue them for deformation or could even demand to be given the domain if she choses to get angry over it. I mean she would have to pay the owner something for the domain. You have to be so careful these days. Today's internet is not the internet of 15 years ago when you could really have fun with people and not get in trouble. I will admit to hacking into people's webpage accounts or email and just change things up a little just to harass someone. Oh what fun! The internet 15 years ago was really fun!! It is hard to believe I have been using the internet for 15 years which was back when it was new and most people didn't/wouldn't use it. Anyway, as I was saying, be careful. Apparently, Nadya's first attempt at a donation site ( has flopped. When you attempt to go to that address all you get is "403 Access Forbidden." Darn, sorry Nadya!haha Hmm...let's see. Oh yes. Nadya's publicist has also dropped her because of an overwhelming amount of death threats. Geez people know how to get a rise out of people don't they?! haha Nah...I don't condone death threats.

I guess that is about it for now. I will try to update some more soon!

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