Friday, February 27, 2009


No I haven't disappeared. I have been sick and just felt like total crap!!! I haven't been able to keep up with the news or anything but I will update tomorrow night if I have time. I have alot to do tomorrow at my sister's house. I guess it is time to get out of bed and back to life...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's me again...

Yes I am back. I had a free moment so I thought I would come harass the internet a bit. Nothing new with me other than a nasty sinus infection aka Sinusitis. I feel ok just a nasty taste in my mouth and alot of pressure in my sinuses. I'll live. I get these a couple times a year.

Ohhh let's see. The news is pretty lagging right now. Other than Nadya fighting with her mother on video and the new interview scheduled for tonight on Entertainment Tonight (I won't be home to see it because I have to work at my sister's house tonight). I don' care to watch her babble on but I would like to know what is said. I guess I will get the highlights and lowlights tomorrow sometime.

New Jon & Kate Plus 8 was on lastnight. Oh that's right I couldn't care less. New Duggar episode tonight from when they brought home the new baby in Decemember. Again, I could care less.

Moving on to some other entertainment news... I didn't watch the Oscars because I don't care but I saw on the news about that movie "Slumdog" winning all kinds of awards; however, I have never heard of the movie nor did I ever see it advertised. Anyway, umm Nicole Richie is pregnant again. I thought she was some sort of alien but after she got pregnant the first time, she seemed to chill some and seems normal. So maybe she isn't from Mars! It seems like celebrity pregnancies and babies are the big thing in Hollywood now. Weird isn't it? Something that has been done since the dawn of time, having a family, is now popular again. Hey maybe the 1950's are coming back? Wouldn't that be weird? No one cussing or sex on TV or movies. Wow what a concept!

Well I guess that is about it for now. I am gonna get a shower and get ready to go to my sister's house later. Have fun everyone.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Life and the weekend (both suck)...

I am so freakin' tired it isn't funny. I hope this stuff with my sister's house gets done quick. I might not make it through it if it takes much longer. I am so tired and worn out. I get a break today but Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons we have to work up there and Thursday we will work up there all day. The drywall is up in the living room. We are getting it ready for painting now. The whole house inside has to be painted. We are working on getting that old tile up out of the kitchen floor so we can get the new flooring down. The carpets are done upstairs and we will put the carpet down in the living room once the walls are done.

Enough construction talk...

Anything new with NMMOTB? I haven't had a chance to see what Nadya has been up too lately. I heard that the father of the babies now wants to come forward and help or some bullshi... like that. He should pay for them babies along with Nadya and the invitro doctor from hell. Last I checked, Nadya's website,, is fully functional and you can leave comments again. Just don't threaten to kill her or the babies people. The other Nadya-related website which is actually anti-Nadya,, seems to be slowing down to a grinding hault. There hasn't been any real updates in several days and the forum doesn't seem to be going so well. If you read through the comments, they are mostly nasty and I don't mean good nasty. To prove my point, I will give you an example. Several posts speak about the father aka the sperm donor and to clean up what people are saying, they are referencing her artificial lips, her boobs, and oral sex. Yuck, right?!?! Anyway, I don't recommend that forum. I just hope whoever is running that webpage starts updating again. I just hope that whoever is maintaining that site doesn't just wait for news or steals news off of other websites. This person should be investigating and finding out information and not waiting for other people to do it for him/her. This person is also using pictures from other news websites. Oh well!! None of my business!!!

Well I guess this it for now. I am gonna go get me a shower in hopes that it will wake me up!!! Take care everyone and I will be back soon!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Like Peter Griffin - "You know what really grinds my gears?"

One more thing about that bald bastard, Dr. Phil. What the hell does his stupid wife, Robin, have to do with the show? Why does he walk off with her every episode? Now she has books out. God people are so stupid to fall for their bullcrap. Even his kids have books. Come on what the hell are the rest of us doing wrong? If a goofy @sshole like Dr. Phil can make millions on running his mouth, there is hope for the rest of us @ssholes.

"Well gee my dad is Dr. Phil so I can write a book now! HUH! HUH!"

That really grinds my gears!!!

One more reason why I hate that bald bastard!!!

God!!! Dr. Phil makes me so friggin' mad!!! Everytime I try to leave a comment on his message board about Nadya Suleman, none of my comments are posted!!! They reject everyone. That @sshole is a friggin' jerk. Unless you agree with him, you cannot post on that website. That damn sissy needs to go screw himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Remember Binky the Clown from Garfield and Friends?!?!

Anyway, I was beat when we got home lastnight. Lastnight wasn't too bad, though. I mainly worked on finishing up the carpet on the landing. I have one more piece of that gold-colored carpet stripto put right where the stairs meets the floor and the landing will be done.

We went to pick up some padding for the living room carpet this morning and I am going to work up at the house all day tomorrow. My brother is going to be there but my sister has to work. I get today off though! I am looking forward to some relaxation today!

The only real news is that apparently Nadya's house that she shares with her parents is in pre-foreclosure. That sucks for them. Pay the damn payment people. Also, Nadya's official webpage is BACK UP. However, you cannot leave a comment because the link is apparently broken BUT you can still donate!hahaha

Well that is about it for now. Take care everyone!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's the end of the world as we know and I feel fine...

I hate home construction. I'm tired. I'm sore. I'm frustrated. We get a couple of hours here and there because of my sister's work schedule and it seems like it is taking forever to get the work done. I feel like I have very little life right now. I KNOW I have very little sleep right now.

Anyway, I haven't been able to keep up with the news too much. Hopefully, if I am not too tired tonight after we get back from her house, I will have a chance to b!tch some more about goings on in the world.

I have managed to find an entire website ( that is soley dedicated to hating on her. I find that amusing in a sick sort of way. That site also has a forum but I haven't tried it and I am not sure how well it works. I just hope that whoever has the website realizes that Nadya could sue them for deformation or could even demand to be given the domain if she choses to get angry over it. I mean she would have to pay the owner something for the domain. You have to be so careful these days. Today's internet is not the internet of 15 years ago when you could really have fun with people and not get in trouble. I will admit to hacking into people's webpage accounts or email and just change things up a little just to harass someone. Oh what fun! The internet 15 years ago was really fun!! It is hard to believe I have been using the internet for 15 years which was back when it was new and most people didn't/wouldn't use it. Anyway, as I was saying, be careful. Apparently, Nadya's first attempt at a donation site ( has flopped. When you attempt to go to that address all you get is "403 Access Forbidden." Darn, sorry Nadya!haha Hmm...let's see. Oh yes. Nadya's publicist has also dropped her because of an overwhelming amount of death threats. Geez people know how to get a rise out of people don't they?! haha Nah...I don't condone death threats.

I guess that is about it for now. I will try to update some more soon!

Monday, February 16, 2009

It's Monday - Again, YAY...

It's also President's Day...

Moving on...

I am beyond tired. Who would have ever thought doing home renovations would be so tiring. We did manage to get the carpet down in the girls' rooms. We just have a small landing area and a good size closet to finish with the carpet. Then I get to put the carpet strips down. We are running low on help tomorrow. It will just be myself and my sister tomorrow. We are going to work on some drywall in the livingroom. Hopefully, we can get all but the ceiling done in drywall. After about 4pm, we will have additional help from my nephew. So if we don't get it done by tomorrow afternoon, he can come back and help us finish the drywall. Then on Friday, my brother is going to help us drywall the ceiling in the livingroom. After we get all that done, carpet has to be put down in the livingroom. I am not even going to mention the tons of vinyl that has to go down in the back half of the house. We have to get the rest of those dreaded old tiles up before we can do the vinyl. I am getting more tired even thinking about it.

I took my nephew to his 4-H meeting at 7pm. I have to turn around and pick him up at 8:30pm. So I have to leave in a little over a half hour. To be honest, I feel more like going to sleep!!!

On the multiple babies front, I have not kept up with the Sulemans over the weekend. I have no idea what she is up to right now. I think I am too tired to care!

Jon & B!tch Plus 8 has a new episode tonight at 9pm but, frankly, I'd rather watch dog poop harden than to watch that show.

Well take it easy everyone and have a good week...

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I just found out a juicy tidbit of information about the Gosselin's new home!!!

The Gosselins bought or acquired (whatever) the house from a Dr. Dominic Commarano who is an ob/gyn at Reading Hospital. Here is the really interesting part. Before she was the b!tch err I mean mom of 8 kids, she received her nursing degree from Reading Hospital and worked at Reading Hospital in labor and delivery. Are you connecting the peices yet? She obviously knew this doctor from her nursing days and they decided to then buy his house. Now think back to the show where they show the kids the house for the first time. Remember Kate talking about filthy the refridgerator was and how nasty where the old freezer was and that the house was so dirty? I hope that this doctor comes back on her so hard. She knew this family that they bought the house from and yet still did not hesitate to run them down on TLC. What a crude b!tch.

I guess the doctor should have had more servants like Kate has. Maybe the house would have been cleaner.

Google is awesome!

Well thanks to Google and some effort, I found the Gosselin's new house! AHA! haha Well as I had guessed, the house was a pretty penny!

The specs on the house:

Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 5 full 2 half
Sq feet: 6200
Built: 1998
Acres: 26
Town: Wernersville, PA
County: Berks
Price: $1,350,000!!!!!!!!!

Evidentally it also has an inground pool. This house and property is HUGE. Kate has certainly come a long ways from the days of bleeding Pennsylvania tax payers dry. Why shouldn't she have to pay back the tax payers? She and Jon seem to hit the jackpot and they wanted everyone to share with them. Now it is time to share the wealth and give back to those who gave to them.

I wasn't going to but...

I was going to not mention Nadya anymore tonight but I can't help it! I found more articles about her recently and I can't keep quiet.

First is this thing were everyone claims she is obsessed with Angelina Jolie and being just like her. Supposedly this includes looks and having a large family. I never found Angelina to be as beautiful as everyone says she is. Something about her huge lips freaks me out. However, if you look at Nadya and Angelina side by side, there is an uncanny similarity.

Second, as I just said, she supposedly wants to look like Angelina Jolie and she supposedly has had massive amounts of plastic surgery.

Third, now I find out she has a nanny to whom she pays $500 a week. $500 a week?! Are you kidding? How is she paying this person if she is living off of student loans and receiving disability for 3 children and food stamps.

Fourth, the father aka sperm donor for all 14 children is a man she met in a night club. She has never had an intimate relationship with him and she claims she hasn't had sex or dated in over 8 years. Woah. This man isn't worth dating or having sex with but he is father material. Scarey.

That's about all the new stuff for now.

Before I go, I wanna know if anyone knows how much Jon & Kate Gosselin's new house/property cost?

Oh those boys are much too much...

I love that commercial!

Moving on...

Good Saturday evening. Everyone around my house is either sick or tired. It is pretty dull. I, myself, is way too tired to really do anything and the fact that we are going back tomorrow afternoon to work on my sister's house is also reminding me to chill for the night.

For those who care, Happy Valentine's Day...

Again, moving on...

The crash of Flight 3407 out of Newark, NJ is pretty crazy. This is 2009 and ice is still bringing down airplanes? I have flown and I am not a big fan of it. I think I'll stick with traveling by car. Anyway, is running a story talking about those who died in the crash. It is pretty interesting and sad at the same time. I know most people think that I don't have a heart. Well I do. I have just learned not to wear my heart on my sleeve. One victim who stood out to me was a woman Ellyce Kausner who was a student in Flordia was flying home to be her nephew's date at a kindergarten Valentine's Day party on Friday. Talk about guilt that family must feel and will feel forever.

Enough depressing stuff...

There are some Jon & Kate Plus 8 episodes coming on shortly and one is one I haven't seen but I just ate dinner and may not be able to stomach Kate without getting sick. She is a pretty disturbing individual.

"There might be more than you believe..."

Friday, February 13, 2009

Odds N' Ends...

I have been super busy lately! I am currently helping my sister complete a renovation to her house that her former loser boyfriend started but never finished. We worked at her house from about 9:30am - 10:00pm on Friday and we just came back from there to finish a few things this morning before she has to go work. Me and my brother hung some drywall in one of the kids' rooms (we just had to replace one sheet in that room). I finished insulating the living room and we have to put drywall up in the entire living room this coming week. My sister has the daunting task of ripping out the old tile in her kitchen to make way for her new flooring. We still have carpet to put down in the girls' rooms. I fixed an outlet in one of the girls' rooms this morning and we moved some carpet around. I think I am going to take a break today! I believe we are going up tomorrow afternoon to put some carpet down and work on that hateful kitchen floor. I hope I live through this!!!

I just wanted to touch on that I finally forced myself to sit down and watch the interview that NBC did with Nadya Suleman, it was being reaired on MSNBC. That interview was disgusting. That woman is such a ditz!!! She talks like she doesn't have the brains she was born with!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

All of my favorite people all together!!

Dr. Phil (who I loathe) had a show about N-M-M-O-T-B (new multiple mom on the block), Nadya Suleman, AND to top it off he had Kate Gosselin on his show. That was nearly too much for my central nervous system to handle. My body nearly shut down. I also loathe Kate Gosselin. Ok I'm lying. I HATE Kate Gosselin aka The Bossiest B!tch of the East. Of course, Dr. Quack I mean Phil thinks everyone should help Nadya. Have you lost your flippin' bald lid? Help her? I'm not sure I would even pee on her if she was on fire let alone give her money. My god what is wrong with people. I attempted to leave a comment on Dr. Phil's message board but they never put it up so either they are slow or denied my comment. Oh well! Screw 'em! Anyone who thinks we should help Nadya Suleman can go screw themselves!

Justice may be on the way!

Finally!!! America is awake!!! That b!tch, Nadya Suleman, is being slammed everywhere!!! It is a good feeling to know that people are NOT falling for her crap!

Here is a copy of a story that posted:;topStories

(AP) A big share of the financial burden of raising Nadya Suleman's 14 children could fall on the shoulders of California's taxpayers, compounding the public furor in a state already billions of dollars in the red.

Even before the 33-year-old single, unemployed mother gave birth to octuplets last month, she had been caring for her six other children with the help of $490 a month in food stamps, plus Social Security disability payments for three of the youngsters. The public aid will almost certainly be increased with the new additions to her family.

Also, the hospital where the octuplets are expected to spend seven to 12 weeks has requested reimbursement from Medi-Cal, the state's Medicaid program, for care of the premature babies, according to the Los Angeles Times. The cost has not been disclosed.

Word of the public assistance has stoked the furor over Suleman's decision to have so many children by having embryos implanted in her womb.

"It appears that, in the case of the Suleman family, raising 14 children takes not simply a village but the combined resources of the county, state and federal governments," Los Angeles Times columnist Tim Rutten wrote in Wednesday's paper. He called Suleman's story "grotesque."

On the Internet, bloggers rained insults on Suleman, calling her an "idiot," criticizing her decision to have more children when she couldn't afford the ones she had, and suggesting she be sterilized.

"It's my opinion that a woman's right to reproduce should be limited to a number which the parents can pay for," Charles Murray wrote in a letter to the Los Angeles Daily News. "Why should my wife and I, as taxpayers, pay child support for 14 Suleman kids?"

She was also berated on talk radio, where listeners accused her of manipulating the system and being an irresponsible mother.

"From the outside you can tell that this woman was playing the system," host Bryan Suits said on the "Kennedy and Suits" show on KFI-AM. "You're damn right the state should step in and seize the kids and adopt them out."

A call to Suleman's publicist Mike Furtney was not immediately returned.

In her only media interviews, Suleman told NBC's "Today" she doesn't consider the public assistance she receives to be welfare and doesn't intend to remain on it for long.

Also, a Nadya Suleman Family Web Site has been set up to collect donations for the children. It features pictures of the mother and each octuplet and has instructions for making donations by check or credit card.

Suleman, whose six older children range in age from 2 to 7, said three of them receive disability payments. She said one is autistic, but she has not disclosed the other youngsters' disabilities, and refused to say how much they get in payments.

In California, a low-income family can receive Social Security payments of up to $793 a month for each disabled child. Three children would amount to $2,379.

The Suleman octuplets' medical costs have not been disclosed, but in 2006, the average cost for a premature baby's hospital stay in California was $164,273, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The average cost for just one cesarean birth in 2006 was $22,762 in California. Eight times that equals $1.3 million.

For a single mother, the cost of raising 14 children through age 17 ranges from $1.3 million to $2.7 million, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is struggling to close a $42 billion budget gap by cutting services, declined through a spokesman to comment on the taxpayer costs associated with the octuplets' delivery and care.

Suleman received disability payments for an on-the-job back injury during a riot at a state mental hospital, collecting more than $165,000 over nearly a decade before the benefits were discontinued last year.

Some of the disability money was spent on in vitro fertilizations, which was used for all 14 of her children, Suleman said. Suleman said she also worked double shifts at the mental hospital and saved up for the treatments. She estimated that all her treatments cost $100,000.

A dozen states, including California, have laws requiring insurance companies to cover infertility treatment, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. But California does not require insurers to cover in vitro procedures. It's not clear what type of coverage Suleman has.

In the NBC interview, Suleman said she will go back to California State University, Fullerton in the fall to complete her master's degree in counseling, and will use student loans to support her children. She said she will rely on the school's daycare center and volunteers.

That story really makes me feel like I haven't been screaming at the top of my lungs for nothing!!!

Cops vs Criminals - Who are the real bad guys?

Ok. We have all had our run-ins with the law at some point or another whether it is being witness to an accident or getting a speeding ticket. Admit it, we've all been there. Well I was watching "The First 48" on A&E. Those detectives make me so sick on there. I know they are doing their job and providing a service of finding out who murdered people; however, when they are interviewing witnesses and suspects, they want you to believe that they are your friend. There is not one friggin' cop in this world that is your friend. I have absolutely zero respect for cops and in some instances even the law because most cops are dirtier than the so-called criminals and the law only seems to apply to certain people. I have a brother and an uncle who works for the state police and another uncle who is retired from the state police and that doesn't change anything. I still hate cops. ALL COPS. From your Barney Fife town cops to Boss Hogg the ones in charge. Police are all worthless and we might as well just take our tax money and flush it down the toilet as to pay cops. Now I know why Ice T was so angry with the cops. COPS SUCK AND THEY ARE ALL PIGS. I appologize to all pigs out there for comparing you with cops. I know that was inappropriate. I think the United States should declare Marshall Law...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just a little more gasoline...

More dish on Nadya. Woohoo! Food Stamps and disability payments!

Article from the LA Times:

Nadya Suleman's website takes PayPal donations! Duh.
Feel sorry for Nadya Suleman, the new mother of eight premature babies?

The Nadya Suleman who has given birth to 14 kids through in vitro treatments, who receives food stamps and whose three older children get disability payments?

The Nadya Suleman who wanted to sell her story for $2 million and who sought a TV gig as a mothering expert? Who also has $50,000 in student loans?

The woman who appears to have had expensive plastic surgery on her nose and lips to look more like Angelina Jolie?

That Nadya Suleman?

Since that TV deal hasn't happened, she’s now launched a website where you can leave messages and even donate money and items for her babies.

The website has a a baby theme, with rainbows, hearts and spelling blocks, and it displays photos of all the babies, who range in weight from 1 to 2 pounds. There's also one shot of of Suleman (from her NBC appearance) with the caption: "Proud Mother of 14."

Naturally, the homepage has links to a message board and (ta-da!) a payment page.

And yes, she takes PayPal. Like you had to ask.

The woman has no shame....


I just want to add that if you choose to visit the website that article came from that there are some really harsh comments on there. I don't care about Nadya but these babies are innocent victims of a capitalist society. As mean as I am, babies are not fair game. One person said the babies are ugly. That's wrong dude. Learn to criticize the right people not those who cannot defend themselves.

Adding fuel to the freakin' fire!!!

While digging through Craig's List tonight, I found out something very interesting!!! Our new multiple mom on the block, Nadya Suleman, has her own website now!!! Guess what folks, if you haven't already! She is taking donations!!! WOW I AM STUNNED!!! I would have never thought she would be taking donations!!! YEAH RIGHT!!! I saw through this b!tch long before she started asking for donations!!! The whole page is set up for taking donations. There are pictures of each of the babies and one of Nadya but that is it as far as information. The rest of the page is about gettin' some money for momma!!! Oh come on!!! Every link on the page but two is for making a donation. She even has her publicist's contact information so that people can send her stuff.


For fun, her website address - She has two places to send her comments. I emplure each and every one of you to send her a comment and I mean real comments!!!

What people are afraid to say...

To expand on what I touched on during my previous blog, the saga of 9-11 survivors and families of those who died. Don't get me wrong. I am not a cold-hearted b!tch but I am a realist and the reality is that it was nearly 8 years ago and it's time to move on. Every September they read all the names of the deceased and have a big celebration. That's fine but when is it time to stop? These families are still collecting off of what happened and I am not saying they don't deserve something for what happened but, again, when does it stop? The whole 9-11 incident is two people's faults, George W. Bush and Condeleeza Rice. They both were well informed about it prior to it happening. Take it out of their asses and not the tax payer's. In my personal opinion, it was war propaganda. George W. Bush was digging and digging to find a reason to go war with Suddam Hussein and he certainly had one handed to him didn't he? Not to mention that Hussein's execution was ILLEGAL and George W. Bush should have been charged with war crimes because of his execution. If my memory serves me right, according to the United Nations, it is illegal to hand a captive over to the his/her enemy. However, we can just add that to the list of things George W. Bush got away with during his reign of terror. Before you bash me and say I am sticking up for Hussein, NO I AM NOT. He was a bastard but Bush had a responsibility to comply with the law as much as anyone. Sorry, I got side-tracked. As I was saying, it is time to move on and stop the profiting from disaster. We, the tax payers, need to learn to say "NO!"

I HATE the news...

I do officially hate the news. No, I don't mean the news but those who report the news and the shows who broadcast the news. They dwell on things that happen and make something that should be reported and people move on to long, drawn-out specticles. For instance, "Miracle on the Hudson." Great, grand! The pilot did his job and prevented many people from dying. So now what? Oh I know! Let's talk about it for the next 5 years! Not a week after the incident that bastard Dr. Phil (who I hate with a passion and would love to smack his bald head), had some survivors on his show and he was talking about the impact on their lives. I hate to be ignorant but come on!!! Move on people!!! I mean 50 years ago when something dramatic happened, it happened and people went on abut their lives. If I recall correctly, survivors and relatives of the deceased of the Oaklahoma Bombing didn't go on like people now days do. When something happens today, people see dollar signs. People hit the talk show circuit and then collect off of the government because they are too traumatized to work and for some reason it should be the government's, i.e. the tax payer's, responsibility to take care of them. HOGWASH! Get a job and get a life. Look at what a loss of tax payer's money was spent on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. We will be taking care of those people for the next 30 years. Not to mention that most of them we were ALREADY being taken care of by the tax payers before the hurricane through welfare. This crap makes me so freaking mad!!!! No one believes in making a living today through honest, hard work because it is easier to milk the system or easier to rip someone off.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's Not My Time...

Looking back at the beginning of this
And how life was
Just you and me and love and all of our friends
Living life like an ocean

But now the current's only pulling me down
It's getting harder to breathe
It won't be too long and I'll be going under
Can you save me from this?

'Cause it's not my time, I'm not going
There's a fear in me and it's not showing
This could be the end of me
And everything I know, ooh, but I won't go

I look ahead to all the plans that we made
And the dreams that we had
I'm in a world that tries to take them away
Oh, but I'm taking them back

'Cause all this time I've just been too blind to understand
What should matter to me
My friend, this life we live, it's not what we have
It's what we believe in

It's not my time, I'm not going
There's a fear in me, it's not showing
This could be the end of me
And everything I know

But it's not my time, I'm not going
There's a will in me and now I know that
This could be the end of me
And everything I know, ooh, but I won't go!
I won't go!

There might be more than you believe
(There might be more than you believe)
And there might be more than you can see

But it's not my time, I'm not going
There's a fear in me, it's not showing
This could be the end of me
And everything I know
But it's not my time, I'm not going
There's a will in me and now it's gonna show
This could be the end of me
And everything I know

There might be more than you believe
(There might be more than you believe)
And there might be more than you can see
But I won't go, oh no I won't go down, yeah

Monday, February 9, 2009

Scarey Families...

Michelle & Jim-Bob Duggar

Kate & Jon Gosselin

Nadya Suleman & her Octuplets (sorry, I couldn't resist!)

A true redneck outting...

Where I live, rednecks are common. Hell I freely admit to being one myself! Say or think what you will but I am one and not afraid to say it!! One thing about me, I could care less what anyone thinks about me. Also, I figure if I am fair-game for your ridicule mill, then so are you for mine!!! I don't try to hurt anyone's feelings UNLESS you deserve it!!! Like Kate Gosselin for instance but you can read previous posts to see what that is all about!!

Anyway to make a long story even longer, yesterday I went with my sister to help pick out some flooring for her house. Our nephew also went with us and he is a major redneck too. Well after we left the flooring place, we noticed that the "Goodwill" store was open. I had never been in one and was curious as to what it was like inside. Well we went in! That whole store is like a flashback to the 70's and 80's! My sister bought a end table for next to nothing and it was actually in really good shape, a teddy bear which was identical to one she had when she was a kids about 25 years ago (she gave it to her two girls), a computer chair (which was almost new), and she bought two sweatshirts for my nephew to put on his goats when it is cold outside. Scarey purchases... The most fun part of the trip was me pushing the computer chair through the store with the teddy bear sitting in the chair (it is a big bear). It was a site to behold. After we paid for it, I was not embarassed to push that chair with the bear sitting in it through the parking lot. I thought my sister and nephew were gonna die watching me. They were laughing hysterically. When we got home, I pushed my nephew up the driveway in the computer chair. This is kind of a snooty area and it is so much fun to do something totally off-the-wall sometimes. That's why you don't put rednecks where people build nice, new homes!!!

And, yes class, that was my redneck weekend!!!

Dropping the bomb on them...

I just KNEW that there was something up with our favorite reality family, The Gosselins. I did some research and as I had surmised, they are freaking conartists. I hate those people!!! They have been milking the systems since day one!!! I found some articles from a little after the babies were born and these @ssholes were pleading for the State of Pennsylvania to help them.

First article...

State asked to extend care for sextuplets

Kate I. Gosselin says she would be unable to tend to the needs of the six 1-year-olds and their two 4-year-old sisters without the continued help of a nurse.

By Erin Negley Reading Eagle

Kate I. Gosselin pleaded Thursday for the state Department of Public Welfare to maintain funding for a nurse who helps care for her 1-year-old sextuplets.
Gosselin of Wyomissing fears for the health of her family, which also includes 4-year-old twin daughters, if Medicaid cuts off payments for licensed practical nurse Angie S. Krall.

“She is my other set of medical eyes and ears,” Gosselin told Lisa Neeper, an administrative law judge, during a 90-minute hearing at the State Office Building in Reading.

The hearing was held after Gosselin and her husband, Jonathan K., appealed the Welfare Department's decision to end funding for the nurse.

The state wants to replace Krall with a home-health aide who would help care for the children part time for one month. The Gosselins then would be on their own.

Neeper said she would rule on the appeal by late July.

Kate Gosselin, who attended the hearing with her eight children and Krall, argued the family's case, while a medical consultant and caseworker appeared for the state.

The Welfare Department would not release names of the consultant or caseworker. The Reading Eagle was allowed to attend the hearing only because the Gosselins gave their approval.

Kate Gosselin is a registered nurse. But she said she's too busy caring for the sextuplets and twins and running a household to spend enough time with each child to spot all of their individual needs.

Jonathan Gosselin works in Harrisburg and is gone 12 hours a day.

Kate Gosselin wiped tears while saying that Krall has noticed diaper rashes, fevers and even pneumonia in the children.

If the switch to a home-health aide is made, Kate Gosselin fears she would need a long time to find the right worker.

In the meantime, she said, “It's me with eight children, which is not fair.”

Because the sextuplets were born about nine weeks early, Medicaid paid for Krall to spend 30 hours a week at the Gosselins' Wyomissing home.

The funding period ended April 30, but Krall will continue to assist the family until Neeper rules on the appeal.

The amount Medicaid has paid was unavailable, but Kate Gosselin has said it would cost about $25,000 to pay for Krall's services for another year.

The state's medical consultant testified that Krall bathes and feeds the infants, changes diapers and cleans their surroundings. A daily vitamin is the only medicine the infants take.

“I could find no medical need to have a skilled nurse in the house,” he said. “What the Gosselins need is someone to stay with mom and dad.”

While two of the sextuplets, Collin and Alexis, receive physical therapy through Easter Seals, the four other babies are progressing normally, the consultant said.

“My heart goes out to the Gosselins because I'm a father of three, but the medical necessity is lacking here,” he said. “What is needed are child-care workers.”

If the Gosselins don't agree with Neeper's ruling, they could appeal to Commonwealth Court or to the Department of Public Welfare secretary, said Thomas E. Cheffins, department director for the bureau of hearings and appeals.

And another article...

Eight is enough
By Dimitri Vassilaros
Sunday, May 15, 2005

Kate and Jonathan Gosselin want you to pretend that their sextuplets are disabled.
If you play along, they can keep the free nurse provided by Medicaid to help raise the six 1-year-olds and the Gosselins' 4-year-old twin daughters in their Berks County home. Mom and Dad will plead their case at a hearing on Thursday.

Does it really take a commonwealth to raise a child? Or eight?

Surely it is a daunting task for Kate even without Jonathan's 90-minute commute to his new job in the Governor's Office in Harrisburg.

"Every morning I ask the Lord for the strength to try to remain calm," Kate said.

As a registered nurse, however, she knew the risks of fertility drugs. Gosselin did not regret the decision after she was told about her six babies. Nor for opposing the "selective reduction" that sometimes is performed in multi-fetal pregnancies to lessen potential risk to the mother and the surviving fetuses.

But if Kate had had a crystal ball, would she have taken the fertility drugs?

"If I could have looked into the future, I would not have done it," she admitted.

The two parents have more kids than they can handle. Volunteers have helped, some, but nowhere near enough, she said. The taxpayers are helping by providing health coverage, but the Gosselins want much more.

They qualify for state health insurance -- barely. Jonathan makes about $50 per month below the maximum annual household income, said Kate. She does not have an outside job.

For a family of 10, the max is $38,910, according to the Department of Public Welfare.

But the need for special services such as a nurse is not based on income. The state's first question was whether the Gosselin children qualify medically. "The answer is 'no,' so you do not get it," Kate said.

The little ones' good health was her bad luck. Go figure.

"I am urging them to see us as a rare situation, which we are," she said. "And I am begging them to make a special exception. They are six individuals. One mom cannot take care of them.

"I might be able to meet their physical needs, but not the emotional needs. It is very difficult. I'm talking about time to talk about feelings, read books and the absolute bare necessities to get done. I cannot do it five days a week."

The county assessed the Gosselins' property at $142,800 in 1993. Kate thinks the four-bedroom, 2,100 square foot home has a market value of $250,000. They have two vehicles, but no garage, she added.

Why not take advantage of the approximate $100,000 in home equity Kate says they have in it? Why not sell it and buy a bigger one (she would like about 3,500 square feet) in a less affluent neighborhood?

They had been considering a move, but it has not been a high priority because of eight good reasons, she said.

However, keeping the free nurse is a priority. "I understand that there is no medical necessity," Kate said. "But I hope they see my need. There is nothing set up for someone in our situation. I hope I can hang on to the person that I have."

The Gosselins called the day after my telephone interview with Kate. They asked to preview this column before publication. My editor declined their request. Kate then said she wanted to retract everything -- even though she admitted all of it was true.

"People are out to make us look bad," she said.

What a b!tch. I have read other articles where she rejected free furniture for when the babies were infants because they were ugly or didn't match the room. This woman needs a dose of reality. I have heard that their new house was paid for by their show. These people make me sick. However what makes me the most sick is the fact that so many well-meaning, caring people still donate to them and fall for their lies. They make me sick. They are so ungrateful.

However, I am not done!!!

I want to post a copy of the article about new multiple mom on the block, Nadya Suleman. She sounds like quite a bird too!!!

(AP) Angela Suleman is caring for the six older children while her daughter is hospitalized after giving birth Jan. 26 to the octuplets.

"She already has six beautiful children, why would she do this?" Angela Suleman said in the videotaped interview with celebrity news Web site "I'm struggling to look after her six. We had to put in bunk beds, feed them in shifts and there's children's clothing piled all over the house."

The Web site posted photographs from inside Angela Suleman's disheveled three-bedroom home, where Nadya and her brood also live. Heaps of clothing pour from an open closet door and a carpeted bedroom, where a bedsheet serves as a curtain, is cluttered with cribs.

Nadya Suleman's publicist Mike Furtney said that his client has been away for nearly two months, so shouldn't be held responsible for the home's current condition.

Furtney said his client planned to move into a larger home once the octuplets were healthy enough to leave doctors' care.

He declined to comment on any of the remarks Angela Suleman made about her daughter in the interview.

"Those are very personal issues between a mother and a daughter," he said.

Angela Suleman said Nadya's boyfriend was the biological father of all 14 children, but that she refused to marry him.

"He was in love with her and wanted to marry her," she said. "But Nadya wanted to have children on her own." Nadya Suleman, a divorced single mother, told NBC's "Today" show that the same fertility specialist provided in-vitro fertilization for all 14 of her children.

Angela Suleman seemed to contradict that account, saying the fertility specialist who helped her daughter give birth to the octuplets was a different doctor from the one who aided in the birth of her first six children.

Angela Suleman said she and her husband pleaded with Nadya's first fertility doctor not to treat their daughter again, so Nadya found another doctor to work with.

"I'm really angry about that," Angela Suleman said of the doctor's decision to perform the procedure.

A Medical Board of California spokeswoman said Friday that it was investigating the doctor — who has not been identified — to see if there was a "violation of the standard of care." The spokeswoman did not elaborate on the nature of the potential violations.

Angela Suleman also challenged her daughter's remarks in the NBC interview that she always wanted a large family to make up for the loneliness she felt as an only child.

"We raised her in a loving family and her father always spoiled her," Angela said.

And another article...

(CBS/AP) The mother of newborn octuplets and six other children collected almost $168,000 in state disability payments for an on-the-job back injury that she and a doctor said was worsened by pregnancy, according to state documents released Thursday.

Nadya Suleman, 33, became pregnant with all 14 of her children after a 1999 injury during a riot at a state mental hospital where she worked, state Division of Workers' Compensation documents show.

She stopped working, but had the six older children during that time, notes Early Show correspondent Hattie Kauffman.

"There has to be some question," says CBS News Legal Analyst Trent Copeland, "about whether or not a woman who's disabled and collecting over $150,000 worth of disability payments is really authorized to receive those payments if she's too disabled to work, but not too disabled to have at least a half-dozen children."

There were also mental health issues, Kauffman reports. Suleman was labeled as being at some risk for suicide, and diagnosed with a "depressive disorder."

The octuplets' birth last week and subsequent disclosure that Suleman is a single mother who already had six children - all by in-vitro fertilization - prompted a torrent of criticism and ethical questions about why she would want so many children, why a doctor would implant that many embryos and how she would care for her family.

Suleman was released from the hospital Thursday, but didn't return to her Whittier, Calif. home.

Instead, says Kauffman, she immediately sat down for her first media interview, telling NBC News she tried for seven years to have a baby and, after the first IVF was successful, she "kept going in."

NBC News says it didn't pay for the interview, but her spokesman, Mike Furtney, made it clear to Kauffman that Suleman hopes to make money from her story. "What we'd like to see her wind up with is the means to raise her 14 children in the way that she wants to do that," Furtney said.

Furtney also told Kauffman that Suleman would like to return to school some day and receive a degree in counseling.

Meanwhile, the eight infants continue to make progress in the hospital, Kauffman adds.

Suleman was an employee of Metropolitan State Hospital in Norwalk, Calif., from 1997 until December, when she resigned the position. Records show that for much of that time she was unable to work because of her injuries.

The documents reveal much about the mother's past, including a doctor's claim that she had three miscarriages before she had her first child, the mental anguish she endured from those failed pregnancies and the elation she felt after the first birth.

Suleman was injured at the hospital on Sept. 18, 1999, while helping restrain a patient as about 20 others wreaked havoc at the mental hospital. One of the unruly patients flipped a heavy desk that struck Suleman in the back. The injury caused her pain in her back and lower body and caused disc protrusions in three levels of her lumbar spine.

Suleman took Celebrex, an anti-inflammatory drug, and Darvocet, a pain medication, for the injury.

She went back to work almost immediately after she was injured, but the pain grew and traveled down her leg and she began to experience numbness in her right foot, the documents state. Two months later, she was back on disability.

In the months after her injury, orthopedists recommended back surgery and injections of steroids into her lower back. But Suleman didn't want to undergo the treatments, saying the surgery seemed too risky. At one point, she rejected to have X-rays taken because she feared they would interfere with her fertility treatments.

"The patient is reluctant to have surgery. She desperately needs surgery," orthopedist Dr. Daniel Capen wrote in February 2000.

Before her injury, Suleman worked the graveyard shift as a psychiatric technician in the adolescent boys' ward. She told doctors she loved the work.

During a hearing on her case in December 2001, Suleman said the pregnancy aggravated her back condition. She said she spent most of the day in bed and was unable to care for her first child, according to a report by workers' compensation judge Jerome Bulavsky.

After examining her in August, Dr. Steven Nagelberg attributed 90 percent of her condition to the work incident and 10 percent to her pregnancy.

Furtney said he could not comment until he and Suleman's lawyer had seen the document.

The records include medical and psychological reports, as well as biographical information that sheds light on her background, which has been a public mystery before Thursday when the records were released and she left the hospital and gave her first interview.

Suleman and NBC News that, as an only child, she "longed for certain connections and attachments with another person that I, I really lacked, I believe, growing up."

When Suleman learned that she was pregnant with what would become her first child, she had feared she would lose the child and sunk into an intense depression, according to a psychological evaluation in her workers' compensation case.

"When you have a history of miscarriages, you think it will take a miracle," she told Dr. Dennis Nehamen. "I just wanted to die. I suspected I was pregnant but I thought, 'That's ridiculous."

But the birth of the baby "helped my spirits," she said. Suleman's hopes also rose that her marriage would be improved by the baby.

Suleman was married to Marcos Gutierrez in 1996, and the couple separated in 2000 but remained friendly, according to the documents. Gutierrez filed for the divorce, which was finalized in January 2008. His residence is unknown.

She told psychiatric evaluators that her marriage was great before the injury, but later as her back injury worsened and she descended into depression, she felt she had little to offer him.

"I don't want to keep bringing him down. I want him to move on with his life," she told Dr. Alfred Bloch, according to a 2001 report.

Wow! This b!tch is as dillusional as Kate Gosselin!!! She is on disability and has 14 children? She PAID to conceive the last eight!!! My god!! Wake up America! Stop falling for these type of people!!! Let the b!tch figure it out on her own!!!! You can go here to read more about this lovely lady (with pictures inside the home),


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Let's call it what it is "Kate Plus 8!"

If you have been asleep, then you would not know the show on TLC "Jon & Kate Plus 8." To fill you in (I appologize to those who know who I am referring to), they are a couple who had twin girls and then four years later, had sextuplets and now they have a reality show on TLC. Ok, enough of that. To make a long story short, KATE IS A B!TCH!!! I mean Jon doesn't get a word in ever. She makes all the decisions and Jon sits back and takes and lets her run the show. I don't know why he is even in the show. Other than being the sperm donor, I am not sure what contribution he makes. Well he does work and she gets to stay home but she stills makes all the financial decisions. She makes me sick.

Also, what the hell is up with her hair??? Is that what she was going for when she got her hair done? Get a mirror lady...Edward Scissor-Hands could do a better job than that.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Good Friday Everyone!

Well it's Friday. Unless you work a Monday - Friday job, who cares. Right? I have some stuff to bitch about tonight but my blood pressure is high tonight because I've been on a tangent all day. I gotta chill and go to bed early tonight. I have to get up early in the morning and do crap tomorrow. Maybe I will be able to bitch some tomorrow night!!

Night night everyone!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What the Discovery Channel and I have in common?

We're both running out of ideas...

I'm running out of ideas to talk about (not really just blank at this moment) and the Discovery Channel is running out of ideas to air shows about. Up next..."JOCKEYS!" WHO FLIPPIN' CARES?!?! I love the Discovery Channel and alot of what they air I enjoy watching but I think they are getting desperate. Oh well.

To reiterate my point I made earlier about Duane Lee Chapman Jr. rockin', I submit:

Article A

Jr. is about a 8/10.

He is a perfect example of "my type." Atleast when it comes to appearance. He big, tall, and able to kill a man with his hands (I'm kidding, I swear!). I am short, 5'3 on a good day and 5'2 when I go to the doctor. I have always had a thing for big and tall guys. Now I don't mean blubbery fat but just big and solid. My ex was 6'4 and weighed about 280. I know I will find the perfect man someday!!!

"The rollercoaster rides a lonely one
I pay the ransom note to stop it from steaming
Hey, what are you looking at?
She was a teenage girl when she met me"


Hey look I didn't abbreviate it as "misc." Haha...nevermind. This post is about nothing. I am bored and watching "The First 48" and they are looking for some dude named "Cheeseburger." Hmmm...That says it all.

Anyway, I just want to ramble folks.

I forgot to mention that I noticed for the first time while watching "Dog The Bounty Hunter" that Dog's son, Duane Lee Jr., is pretty good lookin'. Don't ask why I JUST noticed this after watching that show for a long time. Who knows.

No. I don't plan on watching the Grammys. I knew you were going to ask. Most of today's music suck.

I'll admit that I hate men because I have been burned by every man I have ever come within a 25 mile radius of. However, in the same instance, I love men. What's a girl to do? My ex is a bastard who is still attached to his mom by the umbilical cord (is that how you spell it oh who cares). Maybe I'll get lucky and find a man who's mother dropped off the face of the earth. However, the guy before my most recent ex, his mother was dead long before I met him but he was such a wimp it isn't even funny. Oh well don't worry I'll find someone.

Everyone tells me that I don't need a man. True. I do not NEED a man. However, I like having one!!!

Well I guess that is it for now. I'll be back later. Gotta take care of some crap!!!

"Can you imagine when this race is won
Turn our golden faces into the sun
Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Big Bad Dog?

I must confess that I watch "Dog The Bounty Hunter." It is entertaining. At first, I thought it was a freak show but once you get past their appearance, you realize that they are pretty decent people. I know he said crap to his son but it is no one's business. It was between his son and himself and not for public display. I think his son was a bastard for releasing that tape. Anyhow, like I said, once you get past their exterior they are somewhat normal (minus their horrific use of the English language and the fact that Dog ACTUALLY wants his hair to look like that and Beth has built-in life preservers).

I watched the new episode tonight. I was expecting some huge spectacular or something but to my dismay, it was just an average show. Atleast there will be new shows to intermingle in with the numerous reruns that A&E shows every Wednesday!