Saturday, March 21, 2009

Good, decent men! Yes they do exist!

I know this because I know the two greatest men in the world! Ofcourse the first is my honey, Robert, and the second is my bestest friend of like 15 years, Armando. Armando and I fall out of touch sometimes but he is the type of friend that I can go 3 or 4 years without talking to but can pick right up where we left off. I can say I've never had another friend like him and I doubt I ever will. We managed pull through our teen years together but with the help of Pearl Jam and other 90's bands!hahaaha Our taste in so many things are very similar. To this day, he and I can sit for hours and talk about music and bands and then we somehow get carried off back to 1996! He gets what I'm talking about when sometimes no one else does. I remember summers of talking to him half the day and night. GOD I WANNA BE 16 AGAIN!! When Pearl Jam put out a new CD we were always first in line to get it (if we hadn't pre-ordered it!haha). I would give my right arm to have those days back. Armando has promised to find a way to travel back in time and he is a friggin' genius and so if there is a way he will find it!!

I just have one question. How did I ever get lucky enough to have two men like these guys in my life?!?!?!

As Armando and I always said when we were younger, Peace, Love, and Pearl Jam!

And as Neil Young and Eddie Vedder said, Keep on Rockin' in the Free World!


  1. It's been great having you around all this time. Who would've thought we'd go from talking about high school homework and the latest PJ album to all this adult crap like jobs and marriage.

    I can only hope we somehow manage to stay 16 and 17 forever... and also stay in touch for at least that long... hehehe.

    Don't stray way again or i'll have to kick your ass, ok? Anyway, thank you for everything... I love you man!

  2. It's been great having you around all this time. Who would've thought we'd go from talking about high school homework and the latest PJ album to all this adult crap like jobs and marriage.

    I can only hope we somehow manage to stay 16 and 17 forever... and also stay in touch for at least that long... hehehe.

    Don't stray way again or i'll have to kick your ass, ok? Anyway, thank you for everything... I love you man!
