Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The update of all updates!

Hello folks! I know I didn't write too much earlier but as I said I distracted!

Again, it's all good.

If you haven't figured it out, I have met someone. He is totally sweet and totally awesome. I know after my screwed up situation with my soon to be ex I sounded like I would never find a great guy but I have and it's great. I am totally happy!!!

Now moving on!

There has been a bit of a stir up with psycho octo-mom, Nadya Suleman. As you know, Angels in Waiting offered all kinds of help and b!tch refused it because they wouldn't do a friggin' reality show about her and tha babies. Are you friggin' kidding me? Has that b!tch flipped her lid?!?! She is also "blogging" for radaronline.com if you can call what she is doing blogging. They are putting up pdf's of handwritten chicken scratch on legal paper (you know that yellow, lined paper). That isn't blogging it is freaking retarded! I mean are they that desparate for news they put up shit like that?!?!?! Geez! If you are bored, you can go to www.radaronline.com and look for it. Also, they are reporting she and her 14 kids are moving to a 2800 square foot house. I smell money. Errr! I can't stand her!!

I'll stop b!tching for now. I think my new love has softened me a bit!!!

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