Thursday, March 19, 2009


As Mr. West said, that doesn't kill me can only make me stronger. I hope he is right. I think I am having some of those severe mood swings again. I am notorious for my mood swings and I feel bad for driving those in my life nuts at times. As I have previously mentioned, I have probably the sweetest man on the face of the earth in my life and I thank god everyday that I have him and he does make me sublimely happy. I guess it is outside influences that put me a little on edge at times.

I'll stop b!tching for a few. I wanna mention that the death of Natasha Richardson is pretty sad. I feel bad for her husband, Liam Neeson, and the rest of her family. Really gotta be careful with blows to the head. When my neices hit their heads like all kids do, I am always sure to watch them closely for awhile to make sure everything is good to go.

Moving on...

On the construction front, things are progressing good. The drywall is all up (laugh as you may honey!) and we are nearing the painting stage. After we paint we have to put the carpet in the living room and then put linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom. I'm hoping to wrap this up in the next couple of weeks.

Well I hope everyone has a good weekend...

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