Saturday, March 21, 2009

Good, decent men! Yes they do exist!

I know this because I know the two greatest men in the world! Ofcourse the first is my honey, Robert, and the second is my bestest friend of like 15 years, Armando. Armando and I fall out of touch sometimes but he is the type of friend that I can go 3 or 4 years without talking to but can pick right up where we left off. I can say I've never had another friend like him and I doubt I ever will. We managed pull through our teen years together but with the help of Pearl Jam and other 90's bands!hahaaha Our taste in so many things are very similar. To this day, he and I can sit for hours and talk about music and bands and then we somehow get carried off back to 1996! He gets what I'm talking about when sometimes no one else does. I remember summers of talking to him half the day and night. GOD I WANNA BE 16 AGAIN!! When Pearl Jam put out a new CD we were always first in line to get it (if we hadn't pre-ordered it!haha). I would give my right arm to have those days back. Armando has promised to find a way to travel back in time and he is a friggin' genius and so if there is a way he will find it!!

I just have one question. How did I ever get lucky enough to have two men like these guys in my life?!?!?!

As Armando and I always said when we were younger, Peace, Love, and Pearl Jam!

And as Neil Young and Eddie Vedder said, Keep on Rockin' in the Free World!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


As Mr. West said, that doesn't kill me can only make me stronger. I hope he is right. I think I am having some of those severe mood swings again. I am notorious for my mood swings and I feel bad for driving those in my life nuts at times. As I have previously mentioned, I have probably the sweetest man on the face of the earth in my life and I thank god everyday that I have him and he does make me sublimely happy. I guess it is outside influences that put me a little on edge at times.

I'll stop b!tching for a few. I wanna mention that the death of Natasha Richardson is pretty sad. I feel bad for her husband, Liam Neeson, and the rest of her family. Really gotta be careful with blows to the head. When my neices hit their heads like all kids do, I am always sure to watch them closely for awhile to make sure everything is good to go.

Moving on...

On the construction front, things are progressing good. The drywall is all up (laugh as you may honey!) and we are nearing the painting stage. After we paint we have to put the carpet in the living room and then put linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom. I'm hoping to wrap this up in the next couple of weeks.

Well I hope everyone has a good weekend...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Inner-rage where does it come from?

I am ordinarily not an angry person; however, there times I become enraged and not sure why. Sometimes the stupidest things will trigger this and I become enraged for reasons that other people would laugh over. I normally have an extremely long fuse but when I explode, look out. However, every once in awhile I find myself exploding without warning. I hate when I feel the rage welling up inside of me. My family sometimes triggers this but sometimes it's something I see on TV and read somewhere. I mean I have control over it and I'm not picking people off that go by my house. I just wish I never felt it. However, a person gets tired of being walked on. I guess I'm tired of being people's doormat.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Appologizing to those of the male persuasion...

I officially understand that women drive men nuts. Between PMS and daily mood swings, I dont know how or why men even still want women. I've probably got the sweetest man on the face of the earth and I know probably drive him insane at times. Sometimes I don't know myself why I do things I do or act the way I do. I mean I don't run out on him or anything but my mood swings are crazy at times. I just wanna appoligize to all the men out there who are bewildered by women. We mean nothing by it and probably just want some extra attention at times. In the end all we want is a good man to love and to take care of us...

Friday, March 13, 2009

I liked having hurt...

Nah but I love that song! This blog (YES I said blog honey!) should be entitled "Adventures in Cell-Phone Land." Wow have I had an adventure this week. Thankfully my little love-butt has been patient!!! I got a new T-Mobile Dash. I was with Verizon until my ex decided that he was an ass. So T-Mobile is new for me. I ordered the phone through TMI Wireless. First and foremost, I do NOT recommend dealing with them. They screw up alot, i.e. I paid for next day shipping and got 2 day but I did get a refund. However, when I got the new phone it is cooler than shit but it didn't work. It wouldn't connect to the system. I called TMI and got the run around and since all of their employees are of the Arab/Indian persuasion, I became even more enraged when Rhajeesh told me it would 24 hours before they could figure out what was wrong with my phone. Well I took the bull by the horns and called T-Mobile. I talked to an exceptionally nice man he figured out that I am in a dead spot and I when I say dead I MEAN DEAD!! He suggested returning the phone and going with a company who had better coverage in my area. Well Debbie doesn't except no for an answser. I have figured that it is the house where I live. I have reception everywher else. I am keeping the phone because I am moving in a couple of weeks and where I am moving I have checked and I have full signal there. So, against my better judgement and thanks to Robert, I am accepting the situation as it is and taking it day by day and keeping the phone. The phone rocks!

Robert has figured how to do something no one else has ever been able to figure out, how to calm me down!! I think he should be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize! He totally rocks and I am forever indebted to him.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I will admit to falling into the blog phenomenon. Five years ago, if you said "blog," someone would have looked at you as if you were speaking martian. Now a days atlmost everyone reads or publishes blogs. I will also admit that at first "blogging" seemed retarded. However, most things I do are a tad bit retarded. I do enjoy blogging occasionally. I don't do it everyday as an obligation but I do it when I find something to talk about. I thought it would be interesting to blog about blogging!hahaha

Someone very important to me says he hates the term blog and everything to do with blogging!! He is so silly!!

The real Debbie...

I know alot of people think I'm some sort of mentally-challenged ditz; however, if you know me and I mean REALLY know me, you know I am not. Sometimes I get into stuff that other people don't. I love reading or watching stuff about true crimes. I love A&E. They keep me supplied with these sort of programs. I know most I see are always about modern day crimes. However, every now and then I stumble across an older story I have yet to hear. I heard one this morning. The story was on A&E about the Clutter family killings in Holcomb, Kansas in 1959. They were truely brutal murders of an entire family, the parents and two teenage children, by two ruthless, emotionless murderers. It is a very long story and i am not gonna explain it all but you can read the entire story on one of my favorite websites, The Trutv Crime Library website. The link to the story is The two men convicted of these haneous murders were executed by hanging in 1965. Now, I don't agree with the death penalty even when those convicted admit to being guilty. It's not our right to take someone's life no matter what they did and it's not our job to play god. The story online doesn't go into the actual executions but the show I saw said the the first was hung and it took 22 minutes to die (beyond wrong and cruel and unusual punishment) and the second man had to be drug up the steps to the gallow, begging and pleading for his life. The executioners had no mercy. It took him 17 minutes to die. That shit is friggin' wrong. Don't tell me what they did. I KNOW what they did. But I digress...Truman Capote also wrote a book based on the whole story.

Another older true crime story that I recommend is the Torture Death of Sylvia Marie Likens, That is truely a sad story. I won't go into that story because it is a bit much to talk about but I suggest reading it.

Well I'll step off of my soapbox now and go find someone else to complain to!! Robert, perhaps?? He always listens to me complain!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Too freakin' funny to pass up!!!

This is freakin' funny!!! Some holy-rollers group is throwing sh!t at "Family Guy." Come on now! That is my favorite show!!!

This is what "Parents Television Council" had to say:

"Fox treated viewers to everything from an ‘eleven-way’ gay orgy to baby Stewie eating a bowl of cereal with horse sperm instead of milk … if that isn’t enough, the show’s leading character is also shown fanaticizing about his wife and moaning while a horse licks his bare behind. Clearly, the explicit content was not isolated to one instance in one segment of the show; it permeated the entire program."

Oh come on get a grip!!!

However, this is Seth McFarlane's respond to the PTC:

"Oh, yeah. That’s like getting hate mail from Hitler. They’re literally terrible human beings. I’ve read their newsletter, I’ve visited their website, and they’re just rotten to the core. For an organization that prides itself on Christian values — I mean, I’m an atheist, so what do I know? — they spend their entire day hating people. They can all suck my d**k as far as I’m concerned."

Haha! He rocks!!! If I had one, I would have told them the same thing!!! The type of prudes who take the time to actually complain about this kind of shit, are the parents who end up visiting their kids in jail when they grow up because they were too busy trying to run everyone elses lives to pay attention to what their on friggin' kids were doin.

Groups like that are dumber than a box or rocks or dumber than a bag of hammers (hahaha!!!).

Cal Ripken Sr Foundation...

I know with today's tough economic times that donating to organizations is not always on everyone's to do list. However, if you are one of those donating kind, I have a good one for you. The Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation,, is a good one. Cal Sr. passed away about 10 years ago and the foundation is ran by Cal Jr. and his brother Billy. If you know baseball, then you know that all three are phenomenal men. Cal Jr. gave so much back to our area during his career and now during his retirement. When I was growing up, Cal Jr. was in his hay day. The names Orioles and Ripken are synonymous with each other. Cal Jr. doesn't live too far from me and is definately one of those local hometown hero types. My brother worshiped him while we were growing up. By chance we were lucky enough to get tickets for a Orioles home game during Cal Jr.'s streak week where he broke Lou Gehrig's conesectutive games played record. Anyway, enough about them. The foundation does really cool stuff with kids like fantasy baseball camps. It is just a really good place to send a few dollars if you ever happen to have a few extra.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More than a name or a face in the crowd...

It's be awhile. I've been busy/preoccupied. Call it what you will. Lazy may even work too. Right honey?!hahaha He'll kill me for that. Anyway...

I've been not feeling that great lately but I hope to snap out of that soon. It's weird how you go through so many slumps in your life. Some you feel are hopeless and it doesn't feel worth going on. However, as I have found, if you give life another opportunity, there is always something or someone waiting to help pull you back up. My life has been so crazy for a long time mainly because of my ex but I'm trying to learn to take everything in stride and not forget that there is a purpose to this existance even if I am not sure what it is yet. I read a story this morning that hit me hard. There was this guy who did a bad thing, accidentally. He took another person's life but accidentally. What he did he was unable to cope with and he commited suicide. I guess he felt what he did no longer made him viable to remain on this earth. So sad...

God what happened to me being so b!tchy?!?!?!

Friday, March 6, 2009

My radar was dead on!!!

Look at what has posted. Can it really be true? Was I right she is a cold b!tch?!?!

<------------From Perez Hilton--------------->

"In case you haven't head of Jon and Kate Gosselin, they're the stars of TLC's most popular "reality" show, Jon & Kate Plus 8. The couple has one set of twins and one set of sextuplets.
John is the laid-back, quiet, pushover husband, while Kate is the bitchy, controlling, pain-in-the-ass wife. And that's putting it nicely.
Although the couple seem to have a "loving" relationship on the show, that might not really be the case when the cameras are off.
Jon said about filming the show that, “We’re having a good time — a blast," however it looks like he might have been embellishing a bit.
In Touch Weekly is reporting that Jon is spending increasing amounts of time in Huntingdon, Pa., near where his mom lives, three hours away from the home he shares with Kate and their eight children.
And, on February 6th, Jon showed up to a Juniata College house party.
“He walked in with two girls he met at Mimi’s bar,” senior Evan Heisman tells In Touch. “It was so cool.” According to witnesses, Jon played beer pong with some girls on the volleyball team and then joined a group of students who headed to Memories bar for a nightcap. “We were talking and chilling,” reveals Heisman. Jon returned to Memories the next evening. “He was obliterated,” says Pott. “Juniata girls were flirting with him and he was loving it and having a great time.” “We might be getting a divorce,” Chloe Pott, a junior at Juniata College, heard Jon tell her friend at Memories bar on February 7.
Kate is gonna lose her shit!
Wonder if they'll mention any of this on their "reality" show, soon to be titled Jon Plus 8 Minus Kate."


Thursday, March 5, 2009

A step in the right direction...

Well we are finally becoming less barbaric and getting out of the dark ages. States are starting to rethink the death penalty and Maryland's (where I lived with my ex) state senate voted 34-13 to limit, but not ban, the use of the death penalty. Basically they are going to rethink which crimes deserve the death penalty and create higher standards for prosecutors to seek the death penalty in order to reduce the chances of executing an innocent person.

Sounds like a plan to me. However, I would like to see the death penalty abolished nationwide but I may not see it in my lifetime.

BTW, did anyone watch the new Dog lastnight? Duane Lee was looking dead on lastnight! Break me off a piece of that! JUST KIDDING! I'm not a pervert!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Is it me?

Is it me or are pop tarts getting smaller all the time? Yet the packaging stays the same. WEIRD!

Corporations count on the average US citizen to have some form of retardation and not notice these kinds of things!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The update of all updates!

Hello folks! I know I didn't write too much earlier but as I said I distracted!

Again, it's all good.

If you haven't figured it out, I have met someone. He is totally sweet and totally awesome. I know after my screwed up situation with my soon to be ex I sounded like I would never find a great guy but I have and it's great. I am totally happy!!!

Now moving on!

There has been a bit of a stir up with psycho octo-mom, Nadya Suleman. As you know, Angels in Waiting offered all kinds of help and b!tch refused it because they wouldn't do a friggin' reality show about her and tha babies. Are you friggin' kidding me? Has that b!tch flipped her lid?!?! She is also "blogging" for if you can call what she is doing blogging. They are putting up pdf's of handwritten chicken scratch on legal paper (you know that yellow, lined paper). That isn't blogging it is freaking retarded! I mean are they that desparate for news they put up shit like that?!?!?! Geez! If you are bored, you can go to and look for it. Also, they are reporting she and her 14 kids are moving to a 2800 square foot house. I smell money. Errr! I can't stand her!!

I'll stop b!tching for now. I think my new love has softened me a bit!!!


None... There you go hahaha

Just living life. I have many distractions right now and it is hard to focus. But it is all good.

We got caught in the recent snow storm and are kinda snowed in. Schools are closed. We haven't even been able to work on my sister's house which is putting us behind schedule. I guess we will get done when we get done. We did get all the tile up last weekend and trust me I'm paying for it. My shoulders and arms hurt! We should be able to get back up there again on Thursday and get some work done.

The b!tch with the kids. Who cares right?!?! I doubt in two months she will have any of her 14 kids.

That's about it.