Monday, April 13, 2009


Well no news from me but alot of news nationally and well, internationally.

First and foremost, the American captain held captive by Somali pirates was rescued yesterday. He is safe and three of the four animals I mean kidnappers were killed. Good! Less killers out there!

Second, as Arrrrrmando pointed out (he beat me to the news for once!), Josh and Anna Duggar are starting their very own cult AKA Anna is pregnant. They claim they found out on February 2nd but looks as big as a house already. She is probably dropping octuplets too. All of the Duggar men need to be sterilized so we can preserve mankind from them. On their website,, they write:

"If you have been wondering what the latest news is around the Duggar Family household... we're expecting!!! We found out on February 2, and passed the news to Anna's family that day. The next day we joined Josh's family for a family meeting and surprised them with the announcement! Everyone is very excited and now we are looking forward to finding out the gender of our little one!"

Ugh I feel sick reading that...
If you care enough, you can go to TLC and watch a "webisode" of them telling their family. Blah, blah, blah...

My Easter weekend was, well, eventfull but I won't go into that right now. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I have to catch up on some things and then I'll be back to b!tch some more!haha

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