Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Memories are where you laid them...

Once apon a time, the littlest things in life meant so much to me and made me so happy. Now it seems that very little does it for me. I had a few hours by myself this morning and so I decided that a bath and not a shower would kick ass. Well I was wrong. For about the first minute, I felt relaxed. After that, I sat there thinking that it was such a waste of time to just be sitting there. I sat there for a few more minutes before I thought that if I had took a shower I would have been done and out getting dressed. It's like it is impossible for me to relaxed. Like I am super-hyper and nothing can calm me down. Maybe it's my life I don't know. I don't know if it is the kid in me, the ADD in me, the obsessive-compulsive in me, the anal-retentiveness in me, or something else but I find it impossible to relax. I can hardly even sleep anymore unless medicated. Am I afraid I am going to miss something? I don't know. I really don't. One clue is that for awhile I got out of hard rock and now I am back into pretty heavily and I think that makes me a tad bit hyper too!haha Who knows? I was alway so hyper as a kid through my teenage years. It wore off as I got older, but now it has reared its ugly head again. I guess this is just me. Most people adore me or totally hate me!

As you can guess, it didn't work out with Robert. That's ok. It was just a couple week fling I guess. I know Mr. Right is right around the corner. I was gonna blog about it a couple weeks ago but figured who cared, right?!? I still have a few really good people in my life. Like my Arrrrrrrrrrmando (rolling my r's remember?haha). He is like my little loyal dog (NO YOU AREN'T A DOG; I know he reads this will say "I'M NOT A DOG!"). He is very loyal to me and our friendship and has been for many, many, many years and for that I am forever endebted to him and so appreciative of him and to him. He loves me with all my hyperness and craziness and my hint of paranoia as he says! We are so much alike it's scarey! I tell him he is a male version of me and he says I am the female version of him. I have had MANY, MANY friends come and go and yet he is still here. I even had an old beau look me up and he was like my first love and the whole time Armando kept warning me about this guy and I guess I didn't want to hear it and in the end, everything he told me was true.

Sometimes the obvious stares you right in your face but you neglect to see it for a long time...

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