Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Duggars...YIKES!!!

Something about the Duggar clan totally creeps me out. However, there is one main Duggar that I do not, 100% like, JIM-BOB DUGGAR!!! Jim-Bob is a combination of a tv evangelist, used car salesman, and Jim Jones. I simply do NOT like that man. He is like the friggin' anti-christ or something. I feel so bad for his wife and children. Now you may think but they live good with a huge house and just about anything money can buy. HOWEVER, money doesn't buy happiness. I don't think Hitler ran a tighter boat than Jim Jones err I mean Jim-Bob. If you like them, knock yourself out and don't bother telling me how horrible of a person I am for picking on this family. You know when they allowed TLC along with the ENTIRE UNITED STATES into their house, they opened the door for criticism. Don't put yourself out there if you can't take it. If you bothered to watch the wedding of Jim Jones Jr. err Josh and Anna Duggar, when Jim-Bob had to take over at the end of the ceremoney to pronounce them man and wife and for Josh to kiss Anna, I about threw the damn TV through the window. Who the hell is he??? What did he have to do with the price of eggs in China??? I mean come on Jim-Bob GET OVER YOURSELF!!!. Geez I hate that man. He tries to come off so nice but I see right through that bastard. He is running a friggin' cult. He is David Coresh disguised as Ned Flanders. COME ON!!! Also during the show about the wedding, Jim-Bob kept speaking about all the "dating mistakes" sinner Michelle made before they got married. I guess Jim-Bob is perfect. He is a perfect peice of shit!!! The show would be interesting IF Jim-Bob would GET LOST!!!

Throughout watching way too many shows about the Duggars, I have made some observations about some of the Duggar clan:

Jim-Bob - I think I have established by now that I HATE Jim-Bob Duggar.

Michelle - She seems like a nice, pleasant but totally brainwashed and misguided person. I hate what Jim-Bob has done to her.

Josh - Jim-Bob Jr. How disgusting. I feel so bad for his new wife. NOTE TO ANNA KELLER - GET OUT NOW BEFORE YOU HAVE 10,000 KIDS!!!

Jana - Very pretty girl but I have a feeling she is extremely bitchy and knows how to get what she wants. She may potentially be one of the first Duggar kids to tell Jim-Bob to go screw himself.

John-David - Very quiet. However I believe he is NOT like Josh. He does not go around preaching how wonderful his father is. John-David probably will leave the cult.

New babies - A smart financial move aka a sure bet on another season of Duggartown.

To be continued!!!

Before I end this Duggar rant, I have one more thing to touch on. What I am speaking of is when Anna Keller's father says that he is handing over "authority" over Anna from himself to Josh. Are you kidding me??? AUTHORITY??? Screw you ASSHOLE!!! No friggin' man will EVER have authority over me. Jim-Bob, Josh, Anna's father, and other bastards who feel like that should have their manhoods cut off because then they would not have to worry about handing over authority over someone to anyone. WHAT SICK BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!

I think I'll stop watching the Duggars. I'd rather watch Ben Bailey drive through the streets of NYC in a cab and ask questions. I think I'd even rather watch Mike Rowe degut a duck